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PorchLight Literary Arts Center offers a beautiful stay and nearly unlimited resources to support writers at any stage of their careers.


Our Artist in Residence will have access to an abundance of resources in the City of Lit, including the PorchLight & Prompt Press archives, potential collaborations with multimedia artists, a headline reading, the opportunity to have a broadside of your work, and a one-on-one critique with an accomplished writer in your genre.

PorchLight will provide you with a studio apartment within the literary center with private kitchen and bath. You will stay less than one walkable mile away from downtown Iowa City during the Summer of the Arts.


Application Requirements

Applicants must live in Iowa & submit an application detailing:

  • the project you will be working on

  • preferred genre to work in & other artistic interests

  • a one page literary CV

  • short bio for promotion

  • a writing sample:

    • Poetry

      • 5-10 pages, single spaced, 12pt serif font; each poem should start on a new page

    • Prose

      • 15 pages max, double spaced, 12pt serif font​

    • Hybrid / Other:

      • If your work is formatted such that the above guidelines don't make sense for you, please provide a PDF of your work as it is meant to be seen and email to let us know.​

Cover Letter should include:

  • An explanation of what you will use this time for

  • Why our location is beneficial to your project

  • ​What you will add to our community

Additional Requirements:

  • Applicants must also follow PorchLight on social media. (If you do not use social media, please note this in your application.)

  • Applicants must be current residents of Iowa who are neither current students nor active board members at PorchLight.

Applications will be evaluated by PorchLight staff with a rubric weighted with an eye toward craft.

Once you have read the full guidelines and reviewed the application below, feel free to contact us with any questions at

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