Fostering community through the literary arts
Writing Poetry Toward a Book Form
Sun, Oct 01
|Iowa City
In this four-session class participants will generate and develop their own writing (focus will be on poetry, but other genres are also welcome) intended for book form.

Time & Location
Oct 01, 2023, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Iowa City, 1019 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA 52240, USA
About the event
In this four-session class participants will generate and develop their own writing (focus will be on poetry, but other genres are also welcome) intended for book form. Classes will be a mixture of generative writing sessions, low-stakes workshop/feedback, discussion, and demos on introductory binding techniques. For the books we make in-class, participants will have the option to include their own writing or not. Participants should expect to walk away with some new writing and intro-level skills they can use to make their own books.
Topics covered:
- The history of printing! And specfic challenges for poetry: long lines, page breaks, editors who don't understand....for this class, we won't be printing outselves, but participants will be introduced to different printing technologies they might explore in the future
- Basic bookbinding: 3 hole pamphlet binding / accordion binding / one-page bindings / pocket folder binding / stab binding
- Design considerations we will discuss: one-page spread vs. two-page spread, the golden rectangle and alternatives, typography, hand-written work
- Book art/zine example day! Instructor will bring in artists books (featuring poetry and other writing) for group to enjoy
This workshop is offered in collaboration with Iowa City Poetry
Margaret Yapp is from Iowa City. She works as the Image + Word editor at Prompt Press and is a member of the Iowa City Poetry Advisory Council. She has an MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Iowa Center for the Book. Her work has appeared in Tupelo Quarterly, Second Factory, Asphalte, and elsewhere. You can read more at Margaret’s website which is margaret yapp dot com / instagram @bigbabymarg.
To register for this workshop please visit: https://iowacitypoetry.com/workshops/writing-poetry-toward-a-book-form