Fostering community through the literary arts
Accountability Coaching, and Creative Nonfiction Guidance
Jennifer is the author of three published nonfiction titles, including Drawing from Life (Princeton Architectural Press) and Dan eldon: The Art of Life (Chronicle Books), many creative nonfiction essays, and even more articles. Her work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Slate, Examined Life, and IOWA. She spent more than a decade as the associate director of a humanities-based academic research center where a major part of her work was helping scholars translate their research to more general audiences.
Jennifer works with writers to help them establish and meet deadlines and prioritize their work. She is adept at helping writers consider how to transition a scholarly project (dissertation, journal article) to a commercially viable one. She is also enthusiastic about working with creative nonfiction projects that can be parsed into smaller projects (articles and op-eds, for instance) on their way to becoming book length.
Having benefited from accountable coaching herself, Jennifer recommends clients sign on for a 6-session package ($600), which can be completed over the course of six months. Individual sessions that are not part of a package are $150 each.
For more information and to contact visit https://www.hyphaconnect.com/about